Tuesday 29 November 2011

Production Company animated Logo

A production company logo is a very important feature included in a film trailer as it is very likely the first and only image and audience will get of the production company. For this reason, it is important that a strong image representation is portrayed to an audience. Below are two examples of well known film company logos which are featured at the beginning of every film made by their production company, one is text based and the other text and image based. Both represent a different visual image - the UK Film Council logo represents a serious film company due to the bold lettering and use of the world 'council' being associated with politics and the government and the Walt Disney logo represents children's films and innocence due to the use of a fantasy castle and swirly fun writing.

Some film production company’s logos are specifically designed to connote a specific genre of film which they specialise in. An example of this is the film production company Twisted Pictures which produced the Saw films series as seen below. This is an animated logo played at the beginning of Twisted Pictures films. This production company specifies in creating films in the horror genre and therefore, their logo portrays this to an audience immediately with the use of barbed wire which goes around the letters of the logo as well as the name of the production company itself.

For my own film, I am choosing to create an animated logo as I feel that it would be the most conventional to be included in a film as well as it standing out to an audience when played as opposed to a still image logo. However, I will design a logo which can be drawn as a still image logo to be included on a DVD case, poster, etc but that can also be animated into a moving logo to be included in the opening sequence of the film trailer. Below is a very rough first draft of what I plan my still logo and animated logo to look like. The image is what I plan the logo to look like as a still image. When it is animated and played at the begining of the film trailer, I plan on making it so that it is animated to show the knife stabbing into the letters and blood then slowly pouring out and spilling onto the below letters.

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