Monday 14 November 2011

Parent Consent Form and Release Form

One section of my film trailer will include children zombies between the age of 12 and 16. I have decided, because of the age of these characters, to write a parent consent form for the children's parents to sign to give permission for their child to be; involved in my project, for their photos to be put onto my blog (as well as the final video and the videos showing the development), for makeup to be put onto their child as well as letting the parent know how much commitment the project will take from their child.

Dear Parent/Guardian
As part of my Media Studies coursework, I am making a film trailer which I could like your son/daughter to be involved in. This would include your son/daughter:
·         Being recorded by camera and having their photograph taken and the videos/photos being put onto the internet, as well as being sent off to an exam board
·         Being involved in having make-up/face paint put onto them
·         Giving up some of their own personal time
This will be done over a period of 5 months and therefore, your son/daughter may be needed for a number of days one after another or needed for a variety of short periods of times over these 5 months. Being involved in this project needs commitment and therefore, your son/daughter must be willing to put in the time and dedication to this project.
I hope that you will be accepting in giving your son/daughter permission to be involved in this project as it will be a lot of fun for your child as well as educating if your child wants to learn about Media/Film Studies. Please tear off the bottom permission slip and hand back to me as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, respectfully yours,

Hannah Baxter, Wyke 6th Form College Student
I wish to give consent for my son/daughter to be involved in Hannah’s A2 Media Coursework horror film trailer.                                                                                                                                                                                       I am aware of the commitment my child will need to put into this.
Childs Name: __________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________________________
Emergency contact name:  __________________________________
Emergency contact telephone:  ______________________________________

Additonally, I have decided to create a release form to be signed by students from my college taking part. This will act like a contract which means that when a student decides to be involved, they will not be able to back out or decide they do not want to take part in the project as this is a problem I have faced in previous coursework breifs.

Dear Student,
You have been asked personally to be included in my Media A2 Coursework project, a film trailer. If you decide to accept being included in this project, you will be expected to put in the dedication as if it was your own work. This includes; learning your character’s scripted lines and turning up to all scheduled recording sessions. Failure to do so will result in your tutor teacher being informed and disciplinary actions being taken.
It must also be understood by the participants involved that all photos, recordings etc. will be put on the internet as well as being shown to various students, teachers and the exam board. Therefore, signing this permission slip means you are agreeing to having your photos taken and being recording as well as these pieces of evidence being put onto the internet.
Please do take time and read this carefully before agreeing to be involved in this project, I hope that you will agree as you will be a great addition to my cast/crew.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, respectfully yours,

Hannah Baxter, Wyke 6th Form College Student


I _______________________________ wish to be included in Hannah Baxter’s Media A2 Coursework project. By signing this permission slip, I am aware of the dedication included and accept full responsibility for discipline I may receive in result of failing to meet the project requirements
I wish to also give my consent to having my photos taken, being recorded and these pieces of work also being put onto the internet.
Signed: ___________________________________________      Date: _________________________

Mobile Phone: _____________________________________________________________________
House Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Email:    ___________________________________________________________________________

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