Monday 28 November 2011

Film Trailer Voice over

I have decided that the main sound included in my film trailer will be a non diegetic voice over which will be added over the film trailer when it is finished so that the speech fits in with certain sequences of the film trailer (match on action) and the timings of the film trailer as a whole. However, I will still included diegetic sound from certain seqeunces of the film which are included in the film trailer such as dialouge and non diegetic music as a sound track. I have written a mock up of the voice over speech I plan to use however, it is a rough draft and therefore, will be edited and altered as my film trailer progresses. Additionally, I will be writing up the speech for the character to read as an English Language transcript for the reason that this will include when the character is to pause, say specific words with emphatic stress, etc. I feel that this will make it easier for the character to read as well as making it easier for them to read the script in a way that they can act with their voice.
[Voice-over film trailer]
Female Scientist: I got my first bunch of subjects today, 5 girls and 5 boys ranging in age from 12-16…they always said the children of this generation would lead to great success, I hope more than ever this is true. Being part of the Green Cross Co-operation has succeeded to bring so many medical break throughs, even if the experimentation has seemed…inhumane. If the public ever knew what we were doing they would, they would run riot! I wonder sometimes if they would be able to look past the negative exterior of the experimentation and see the effect they have had on the greater good. But what they don’t know can’t hurt them.

I got the idea for this voice over speech specifically from the film 'V for Vendetta', directed by James McTeigue and released in 2005, from the scene where the scientest Delia Surridge is having her diary read by a police officer and she is voicing over the text written in the diary over the visual film image.

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