Wednesday 5 October 2011

Target Audience Update

Previously in my post about my target audience, I mentioned putting polls on my blog so that I could define my target audience. However, due to meeting a technical difficulty (that being that no one can see poll questions on the college computers and some, on home computers) I have decided to write my poll questions onto a questionnaire and I have decided to give them to a range of people, 26 people for an even number of male and female people in my college. These being:

  • students ranging from 1st-3rd years
  • student in a different range of classes (English, Media, History, etc)
  • teachers from different departments
These are the questions I have included in my questionnaire:

Media Film Trailer Questionnaire
Please circle your answers

Are you male or female?

How old are you?

How much do you spend on DVD’s/cinema in a month?

How do you watch films? (Please circle more than one if needed)
DVD legal downloads (e.g. iTunes)
DVD illegal downloads (e.g. Limewire)
TV (Sky Movies, Channel 4, etc.)
Internet Streaming

Who is your favourite character in a horror film?
Murderer/Mad Man
The Unknown Monster
Other (please define) ___________________________________________________

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