Wednesday 12 October 2011

Prop, Costume and Location List

I have decided to do a prop, costume and location list at the same time as creating my first mock up story board because as I go through the process of creating my storyboard, I feel that I may come up with ideas which may include props/location and I can add these ideas to this list as my storyboard and script develops as well as adding ideas that I have already come up with. Throughout this process, I will add or remove props/costumes/locations as I decide what things will work and what things will not work.

  • Halloween makeup (dark lip liner, blacks/reds/browns eye shadow, spirit gum, fake skin, fake nails, puff paint, fake blood, black eye shadow, etc.) Obviously, make up and how it is used is going to be an important feature of my film trailer as the characters included who are going to be playing zombies must look convincing for the audience to actual feel fear and feel compelled to see this film. I have researched (on the internet and YouTube) some zombie makeup tutorials which I will start practicing at an early stage so that when the times comes to when I am ready to start recording, I will be able to do it quickly and effectively. The videos I have based my makeup research around are the three videos listed below.

  • I want to use certain weapons within the different clips of the film trailer which would be appropriate for each character to be able to use. Stereotypically this would be a female character from a domestic location using a kitchen knife, lamp, etc but a male character using a cricket/baseball bat. I want to use some stereotypical conventions but also some un-stereotypical conventions in which will engage the audience like a female character holding a chainsaw and the man hiding behind the woman being protected. The picture below is from a fancy dress website I found which sells additional props to costumes that I found whilst searching for prop websites. I think that with the addition of costume props in my film trailer, it will create a more intense feeling of fear as well as creating realism due to the props looking realistic as opposed to fake an toy like.
  • Kitchen sink mise-en-scene will be an important feature to include in my film trailer because it creates a sense of realism that the audience can relate to. These things including; a TV, settee, lamps, photo frames, etc. for a location such as a living room.
  • I want to use a derelict like location with is found on the marina near the old docks in Hull for one of my scenes. I want to use this location due to it fitting in with a horror genre and following certain codes and conventions. In this area, I feel that I could create a very powerful scene for my film trailer creating tension and fear to an audience.
  • A domestic location I feel is essential in this specific type of horror that I have chosen to revolve my trailer around. Therefore, I have decided to use my own house as well as a friend’s house (both in Hull) to create a realistic feel to the trailer and in the process, the audience being able to relate to the character within the scene due to a real domestic environment being used.

  • Zombies - After researching a number of zombie films, I have decided how I will create each zombie look for each character. Depending on what the character would be originally wearing before the zombie academic (e.g. depending on their jobs type, social class, etc.) will contribute to their overall look. Like in the second photo included below, different men of different social classes are portrayed by different clothing and apperances; one man in a suti and tie, another man wearing stereotypical trampy clothing and holding a sign which insinuates that he is homeless. Each character's clothes will be slightly torn, made to look dirtier and have blood stains all over themselves. The reason for this is because this way, the character's costume will fit the expectations of the audience due to the audience being exposed to zombie films and their stereotype look previously many times through other films, like in the photo below of the little girl who fits into the zombie stereotype.

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