Monday 12 December 2011

Target Audience Update

After asking 26 differently ranged people in different audience types (gender, age, profession, etc), I narrowed my target audience down specifically demographically and psychographically. I have decided to present my findings from my questionnaire as a pie chart as I think it is the easiest visual way in which to see which target audience my film is aimed at.

I decided that when asking for an audience to complete my survey that I would ask an evenly split gender audience due to this being the fairest way in which to learn about an audience that is not specifically targeted at one sex. The reason for this is because I do not want my film to specifically target one gender audience as this will restrict the viewers of my film as opposed to targeting a large range.
I asked an audience from a range of ages, because I wanted to find information from a range of audience’s, different genders and different ages. I could not evenly split the four age ranges into 26 and therefore, I asked 14 16-21 and 12 22-26+. I asked more of a younger audience (even if only by two more people) because I felt that information from a younger mainstream film audience would benefit my target audience research further.

With regards to cinema and DVD spending, the older audience spent more money on going to cinema and buying DVD’s due to having a lot more disposable income to spend on luxuries. However, the reason I found this was apparent is because the older audience seem to go to cinema on full prices and more expensive nights (Friday and Saturday prime time nights) less often than a younger audience went to cinema more often on cheaper student nights (Orange Wednesdays and Student Film Fridays) as well as buying DVDs at full price when they first come out as opposed to a younger audience waiting until they have dropped in price, or download them cheaper off the internet, or download them for free illegally.

From this question, I can say that a younger audience is more likely to watch films through internet streaming and downloading as opposed to an older audience. However, this does not mean that an older audience does not download and/or watch films through internet streaming as a number of people from an ‘older audience’ I asked this questionnaire to answered this. I find this due to digitalisation and an older audience being under pressure (it could be said) to be able to use modern technology like the internet, iPhones, downloading, etc.

The gender difference can be seen distinctively on this question, as well as the age difference. When focusing on gender, there seems to be a distinctive difference between females liking horror films including vampires and males liking horror films including zombies. The reason I think this is, is because of the recent ‘craze’ of vampires being seen in the media (the Twilight film series, True Blood TV series, etc) as well as the recent ‘craze’ of zombies being seen in the media (Nazi Zombies video game). With regards to age, a younger audience seem to enjoy films including the above characters; however an older audience seem to enjoy a more conventional style of horror film including a mad man or a ghost film – this could possibly be because of an older audience enjoy a more traditional ‘old fashioned’

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